Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom - Black/Volt Best Price
Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom - Black/Volt Reviews
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom - Black/Volt (Electronics) I bought this watch as an impulse buy at the airport and having used it 7 or 8 times, I'm quite surprised by the one and two star reviews. My experience is that it's simple, straightforwards and "just works".Initial software installation and setup on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) was worked flawlessly, with the connection software updating the watch's firmware and connecting to my existing Nike+ account. Nike seem to have learned from working with Apple. The menu system on the watch is a comparative joy to use - simple and straightforwards in the way that classic Nokia phones used to be. Stuff is intuitive to find. I've variously owned Polar, Garmin and Suunto HRMs and GPS watches. None of them is as simple to use and I've always been frustrated by the level of button-pressing origami required by some of them. One potential downside is that Nike have "done an Apple" and restricted the feature set on the watch. Pace, distance, HRM and (simple) intervals are... Read more 114 of 120 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom - Black/Volt (Electronics) I would only buy this watch if you think it looks really cool - which it does by the way.But as for functionality, it is terrible. Really terrible. I don't want to be negative - and I really did want to like this device - but honestly, I really think it needs rethinking. I bought it in London three weeks ago before doing the UK 70.3 Ironman event in Devon. The watch would not sync in London near Regent's Park or Canary Wharf. Two runs, two times waiting 5 minutes for a satellite signal that never came. I put it down to the buildings and thought I would give the watch a chance - I really wanted to like it. In Devon, in the wide open spaces, time and again the watch failed to pick up a signal on three training runs and one walk in Lynmouth. Out of kindness, I put it down to the remote location. And then I went traveling - to Cannes (where I did finally get a signal 7k into a run), Berlin and Vienna - with mostly disappointing results. Now home in... Read more 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom - Black/Volt (Electronics) My review mainly benefits those average people looking into getting fit as I am no pro athlete.Day to day use: I can see where all the early negatives came from before the watch had its update released as previously it came with no alarm, stopwatch and poor signal however now these issues have been solved. There is no doubt it is the best looking sports watch on the market and its very light with nifty features which are customizable when you update it online. Since the update all the missing features have been added that you would expect your basic casio to do such as alarm, stopwatch etc Running: Very fast signal since update where before it was poor which you will see from the OLD comments, since for me it has been perfect and even if it is taking a couple of minutes you can begin and it will record the start of your run with the little sensor that comes with the watch. When you set it up online Nike... Read more |
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